Know West Java Provincial Code and what are the terms
West Java is the only province first formed since the Dutch colonial period, withthe n province code for West Java being 32. Nevertheless, based on Law Number 11 of 1950, this province has been established since July 4, 1950 since it was recognized by the Indonesian government. As for the center of the government itself in Bandung.
This province has an area of about 35,377.76 square kilometers, even almost reaching 2% of Indonesia’s land area. In addition, this province is also known as the second largest area specifically for the island of Java, where East Java ranks as the first most extensive. Its population reaches more than 50 million people.
West Java becomes the most populated area
You must know that West Java province has become one of the most populated areas in Indonesia with a different West Java province code. Where the population level has reached 50 million people more than the total population of the country. Population growthin West Java for the period 2019 until now is really increasing.
This is given the large number of local residents who urbanize this area. The reasons for the increasing population movement to West Java itself vary, ranging from work interests to environmental conditions. While the area with the least population, namely Banjar City, has about 185 thousand people.
Almost 80% of West Java’s population chooses to live in urban areas due to industrial factors. Other regions such as Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, and so on account for at least 39 percent of the total population of West Java itself.
Note that most of the population of West Java is Sundanese. Where this tribe is known as the indigenous people of Java land in this western part. While the Javanese are more common in the northern region of West Java, the Betawi tribe mostly lives in the Jakarta area and its surroundings.
In addition, there are also Batak tribes and Minang tribes that are also found in the West Java region, especially urban areas, such as Bogor, Depok, and Bandung. While the Chinese population is also often found in almost all areas of West Java, they are mostly dispersed.
Area code for government administration in Indonesia
Before we discuss further related to West Java province code, such as the regional code is the regional code for Sekeloa Village.
As for the code, it has displayed information from the local government’s area code that houses it, ranging from subdistricts, cities to provinces, including:
- Coblong Subdistrict (area code i.e. 32.73.02)
- Bandung City (area code i.e. 32.73)
- West Java Provincial Code (region code, i.e. 32)
Meanwhile, another example such as the area code 36.71.07 is the code from the Karawaci district with the local government in charge of it, namely:
- Tangerang City (area code i.e. 36.71)
- Banten Province (region code i.e. 36)
In addition, there is also an area code of 33.74 which is the city of Semarang, with its local government, namely:
- Central Java Province (region code i.e. 33)
You must know that the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Kemendagri) has updated the regional code every five years. Where to do this by issuing a Permendagri (regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs) with a new regional code and data.
In addition, when there is regional expansion or even a large number of villages, there is a transition of villages into villages. To date, the last Permendagri province code in the West Java region released was Permendagri RI No. 137 from 2017. Where this is set in Jakarta since December 27, 2017.
Since the adoption of Permendagri, the former Permendagri will be revoked and declared no longer valid. This is stated as in Article 13 of Permendagri No. 137 of 2017. According to information in the latest Permendagri, Indonesia currently has:
- 34 provinces
- 514 cities/districts (98 cities + 416 districts)
- 7,201 subdistricts/districts
- 83,436 villages (8,479 villages + 74,957 villages)
- 91 185 regionkoder.
Province codes in West Java
Surely you are familiar if you hear the name West Java, right? Yes, one of the provinces of Indonesia that is visited by many locals because of the beauty and cool factor of the habitat there.
As we know, this province with the capital Bandung is really known as a cold and cool region. In addition, Bandung itself is often referred to as the City of Flowers.
Why? This is due to the fact that in ancient times Bandung was considered very beautiful with many trees and flowers that bloomed. Not only that, previously Bandung was also named Paris van Java because of its beauty. You should know if the provincial code for West Java is 32.
As for the code of the region, it is intended to know the characteristics of the province. With this area code, you can more easily make telecommunications based on observations from the transport agency in Indonesia.
This area code itself is a series of numbers and dots, which show the code and data of the Indonesian government administration area in each region, be it from the village / kelurahan, the subdistrict, the city / kab level, even the province, as well as the provincial code of West Java.
The function of this code is to speed up and facilitate the process of managing state administrative areas in Indonesia. In addition, you should know if this code can also show the level and ode of the area of the local government that houses it, such as West Java province code of 32.
Provisions of the provincial law must know
The following is a discussion of the provisions of the area codes of provinces and cities/regents, including:
- Provinsregionkoder
Below are the provisions that must be taken into account when determining the provincial area code.
- The two-digit number pertama is the provincial area code.
- The provincial code is usually assigned according to the position of the geographical area of the Indonesian island, where this usually starts from west to east.
- The first digit of the number for the province located in:
- Sumatra Island: marked with the number 1 or 2
- Java Island: marked with the number 3 or 4
- Islands of Bali and Nusa Tenggara: marked with the number 5
- Kalimatan Island: marked with the number 6
- Sulawesi Island: marked with the number 7
- Maluku Island: marked with the number 8
- New Guinea: marked with the number 9
The second digit of the provincial code is usually assigned according to the order in which the province is formed. As we know, the provincial code for West Java is 32.
- Orts- och länsområdeskoder
Furthermore, below are a number of provisions relating to the City/District Area Code.
- City/district codes are usually 4 digits, where the number consists of a 2-digit provincial area code, a character used as a separator, namely a dot, and a 2-digit city/regency code.
- Two digits after the first point is the code of the city or county.
- Meanwhile, the first digit of the number for the city code is 7 to 9, while the first digit of the number for the district code is 0 to 6.
- County codes usually start from the numbers 01, 02, 03 to 69 based on the order in which the county is formed.
- City codes usually start from the numbers 71, 72, 73 to 99 based on the order in which the city itself is formed.
For example, the wilayah code is like 33.22 the area code of the Semarang Regency, exactly in Central Java Province (33). Meanwhile, the regional code 33.74 indicates the area code of Semarang City in central Java province (33). For West Java, the provincial code itself is indicated by the number 32.